
new year, new me?

Hi guys and happy new year!
I hope you all had a great new years eve, 'Silvester' as we call it in Germany.
On new years, everyone is talking about how they are going to change themselves next year, how they will eat healthier, how they will go to the gym more often and how they are going to be a whole new person, a better person.
I don't think about the new year like that, even though I do write down some new years resolutions.
I have my tradition to write my resolutions on small pieces of paper, fold them and then put them in a big jar. On the 31st of december the next year, I read every single one of them and decide if they have to stay in the jar for another year, or if I've achieved them already and don't need them anymore. Then I might have some new resolutions to put in it.
Thats my (hopefully) never ending circle of new years resolutions.
But the thing is, I don't write something like "until the end of this year I have to have seven olympic gold medals!" well, that was a little over the top, but I mean something like it. I write down things that I would like to do, but if I don't, thats okay, because I got plenty of time left. I also don't want to change myself, I want to be more myself. I want to do the things I love, I want to enjoy almost every second of the next year. I say almost, because I don't enjoy the bad or sad times, but they have to be there, otherwise the good times wouldn't be as enjoyable.
So, enough of my resolutions. I hope you were all having a great year 2015.
Let's make 2016 even better!

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